2021 Late August Update

grid 650 shipping:

  1. We were a bit slow on the shipping side last week, just hitting the 80% mark.

  2. We backordered many parts and reorganize our warehouse.

  3. International shipping could be slow at this moment due to some COVID19 cases found in the airport.

More Experimental firmware for the debouncing issue:

  1. Some keys, especially the space, might suffer debouncing issues in some setups (different switches, lube, mod). We’ve created more Experimental firmware for both BLE and Wired PCB. There are now 15 for each PCB.

  2. The firmware are available in the shared document.

Software and firmware update for ARRAY module:

  1. Big big thanks to Bakabah. He helped us create a better version of Open Hardware Monitor plus Serial Support and the firmware.

  2. The new software is more stable and more compatible with the 11th gen intel platform.

  3. The new firmware allows USB serial communication and Signal Port’s wireless serial communication to happen simultaneously. So, no need to take off Signal Port when you decide to go wired.

  4. Some bugs were fixed.

  5. Software and firmware are updated in the shared firmware folder. All ARRAY modules shipped after Aug 20th have the latest firmware.

  6. Instruction about flashing will come soon.


2021 Mid September Update


2021 Late July - grid 650 shipping updates